Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Now Accepting Early Birthday Gifts

It's my birthday month now. Yay, June! I am one year older (and much wiser, too, for sure). I do like my birthdays, but they are different now that my mom is gone. I find myself just wanting her voice saying, "Happy birthday, dear."

Other impossible-for-now-at-least items on my wish list include:
-A trip to Italy
-More days and nights in Hallstatt, Austria
-Perfectly-behaved children (preferably in public)
-To hold Lucy (a dream would be acceptable)
-A stack of books, with nowhere I have to be, and nothing I have to do
-Hours of uninterrupted work in the garden
-A day at the spa
-Lunch with all of my sisters
-To be anxiety-free
-Many, many new pairs of sandals
-A time machine
-A bagel sandwich and Diet Dr. Pepper from Hot Bagels & Deli


Megan Goates said...

I'm glad you put this out there. Universe, take note.

Blue said...

I want a trip to italy TOO! and a time machine. cause, {sob} my baby girl is graduating tomorrow. and it's making me cry that that whole part of life, that you don't quite (at least i didn't) realize is only a finite stage, is wrapping up. and it's been my favorite thing about my life...being their mommy. so i'm a little untethered right now.

but yay for birthdays! can't wait to celebrate you at our next Thing. ♥