Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

It felt good to drive to the cemetery, geraniums and gardening tools in the back. We visit the older part of the cemetery a lot, so when we pulled through the wrought iron entrance, it was obvious it's Memorial Day weekend. Cars were driving down the one-way-up. Cars were parked where they shouldn't be parked. People were wandering, reading names on stones, gathering in groups. Potted chrysanthemums speckled the scenery. Yellow, pink, deep red.

I love the place even more on Memorial Day. There is something to the exodus from daily life. There is something to placing flowers. There is something to remembering.


Lauren said...

I need to do better at remembering. Sometimes I tell myself I don't want to go to the cemetery because it is sad. But really, it's peaceful. Even when it's busy with us living.

Megan Goates said...

We all need a little more remembrance.